The Pig And Pearl.

A friend of mine got in touch a few days ago asking if I’d be interested in taking some photos of him for his Facebook page. Those who have been following me for a while know I rarely take photos of people – In fact I’ve never really gone out with my camera with the intent to photograph humans. They do occasionally show up but only because they were already there.

We met today on Monument Ave here in RVA to get some photos using the monuments and as a background. Turned out that I enjoyed having a living breathing subject.  Once I’m dome with editing them and can show him I plan to ask if it’d be ok with him if I post them here…stay tuned.

After Monument Ave we stopped in a  new local restaurant The Pig and Pearl.  They specialize in pork and oysters. And have an appetizer that consists of 5 different flavors of bacon. And a burger with 2 patties, bacon and pork barbecue. I hear arteries hardening all around the city…

For now please enjoy some shots of none of the above mentioned food.

The Clockworks Collective/Liberate RVA’s Freedom Gathering 8.18.12.

Last Saturday I was invited to a gathering at The Clockworks Collective’s farmhouse to hear some music, meet some people, eat some food and do some belly dancing. All of which I did – including taking some photos of the bands and interior of the beautiful 1901 farmhouse that they now call their home. I met some great folks and reconnected with a dancing friend I hadn’t seen in a while. It was a great night and I hope to go back when they have their next gathering.

Here’s my evening at The Clockworks Collective. Enjoy.

Watermelon Festival Part 2.

Here’s the second set of photos from the Watermelon Festival in Carytown, RVA last weekend. Enjoy.

So Much Food…So Little Room In My Belly.

To end my food fest weekend I went to Broad Appetit this past Sunday.  I heard about this last year and remember wanting to go but not going for some reason or another. I’m very happy I went this time around.  With about 64 food vendors there was something for everyone from a wide variety of meat dishes to vegan fare this 4 block stretch of Broad St had everything!  I had planned to try 2 or 3 spots…yeah.  I had sea bass with spiced potatoes, curried goat, an african curried beef dish, lamb meatballs, chocolate infused goat cheese, and some fried pound cake with homemade Nutella and fresh raspberries.  I only wish I could’ve eaten more.

Enjoy some photos from a delicious day.

From Dolmades To Loukoumades.

Richmond loves a food festival.  We have a Lebanese, Greek, Armenian, Indian, Jewish, Soul Food, Tomato, Broad Appetit and sometimes a Brunswick Stew Fest…there are probably more.  This past weekend was a busy one for foodies – Greek, Soul Food and Broad Appetit.  I went to all three and ate everything I could.

The 36th Annual Greek Festival is one of the larger ones here in Richmond. So large in fact that they are planning a mini food fest in November…yum!  I had my usual gyro along with dolmades (grape leaves stuffed with rice), yahni (green beans simmered with tomatoes and herbs) and some loukoumades (fried pastry puffs covered in honey syrup and cinnamon) for dessert. There was also traditional Greek dance and a large marketplace with everything from jewelry to clothes, art and religious items. Check out the link for a full menu and a list of goings-on.

I didn’t have my camera so the photos are from my trusty HTC. Here’s what I saw between eating and shopping.  Enjoy.

***Eureka!! I’ve noticed on other folk’s blogs that they have neat-o pop out slide shows in their posts.  I assumed it was theme specific and my theme didn’t have that option.  Nope!!  I figured it out – albeit accidentally  just now!

If you click on the first photo of this  post a slide show pops up with larger images to scroll through.  Now you can really enjoy!***

The Upward Spiral.

What goes down must come up…or something like that.

After a fun weekend of zils, impromptu belly dance and some beer I’m starting to feel more like myself again.  I’ve started dreaming almost every night which tells me my mind is sorting through all of this and is showing me how to understand.

Here’s some photos (albeit blurry…next big purchase will be a tripod…) of the open dance/drum event I went to Friday night.  The majority of the dancers there were into ATS and since I’m not familiar with the cues for moves I sat with the drummers and played my zils until my fingertips were purple.

Oh yeah…and a photo of a pear…


Me and Feet

Studio Reflection

Ghost Dancer

Black Leggings

Stocking Feet

Who I Am According To Facebook.

Love it or hate it Facebook is.  It just is.  And it thinks it can get to know you by asking you many many questions about yourself.  So you can all get to know me as well as Facebook does I have compiled a list of FAQs from the FB and will answer them as honestly as I can.  Let’s get started shall we?

1. Which Serial Killer are you? – Either The Zodiac Killer (secret codes are neato) or Aileen Wuornos (loved that movie!  Yay Charlize Theron!)

2. Which 80s band are you? – Duran Duran because they always looked so pretty or Madness because I always wanted a British accent.

3. Which character from Lost are you most like? – I’d say we all have a little bit of each character in us.  That’s why it was such a good show.  This quiz says I’m Boone.  Who would you be?

4. Which Muppet are you? – Janice because she always seemed to know where the good shit was…or The Swedish Chef.  He was lucky – He got to have real hands.

5. Which TV Mom are you? – This is a toughy since I’m not all that maternal.  I’ll give you two…for cartoon Mom Lois Griffin.  For real person Mom either Roseanne or Kitty Foreman.

6. What office character are you? – Definitely Pam…pre-babies Pam when she was the receptionist which actually meant she ran the place.

7. Which Steel Magnolias character are you? – Louisa “Ouiser” Boudreaux.  No question.

8. What is your power animal? – So I found this super cheesy quiz and my inner animal spirit is a cat.  I am elegant, understanding and intuitive.  I’m often deep in thought and am empathetic.  Oh yeah…and rather lazy at times.  Meow.

9. Which Quentin Tarantino Character are you? – Another tough one.  There’s so many….I’ll say Shosanna Dreyfus from Inglorious Basterds.  She successfully got away from that nasty Nazi fella then…well…I say they deserved it.

10. Are you a true Southerner? – Yes and No.  I was born in the South but I’m lookin’ California and feelin’ Minnesota.

11. Which celebrity would play me in a movie of my life? – These are some hard questions…Zooey Deschanel.

12. What is your symbol? – An Aum.

13. Where will you go when you die? – How very depressing.  Someplace nice I hope…or I’d wanna come back as a cat (see # 8).  Here’s some info on the afterlife

14. What’s your personality type? – ISFJ.  At least according to the one I googled.  There are hundreds floating around the internets.

15. How sarcastic are you really? – I’m not at all.  Really.

16. What time period should you be living in? – The Late 60s.  Or Early 80s.  Or Ancient Egypt.  Or The Future…

17. Who were you in high school? – The same person I am now only younger.  See #15.

18. What kind of sushi are you? – Not the kind with the seaweed on the outside.  It gets stuck in my throat…eww.

19. Are you on a boat? – Nope.

20. What’s your ideal career? – Good question…something that has nothing to do with selling people things.

21. Which race would you belong to in Middle Earth? – Finally!!  An easy one!  A Hobbit.  I do have the hat already…

22. Which dead rock star are you? – John Lennon.  Me and my friends used to sit around singing Beatles songs and I would always volunteer to sing his part.  They didn’t want to sing the dead guys part.

23. Which personality disorder do you have? – Huh…now that’s a bit personal.  You can read up on it here.

24. What is your hippie name? – Rosebud.  Actually it was almost my real name.  Thanks Dad!  Good save!

25. What Star Wars character are you? – Jeeeeeeez.  Another hard one.  Padme Amidala.  Same reason as #2…her oufits rocked!

26. What Smith’s song are you? – There Is A Light That Never Goes Out comes to mind.  A great love song I think.  “And if a 10-ton truck kills the both of us / To die by your side, well, the pleasure, the privilege is mine.”

27. Which Beatles song are you? – I’m So Tired.  And these.

28. Are you a potato? – No.  But my neighbor is.

29. Which famous historical couple are you? – Interesting since I’m only one person.  I’ll say Sid & Nancy.  I went as them to a Halloween party in high school.  Not super historical I know.  Maybe Antony and Cleopatra…but they were so tragic…

30.  Which horror movie are you? – No idea really.  If there’s one about a girl who sleeps with a nightlight then that one.

31. Which LOLcat are you? – This one.

32. Which corny pickup line are you? – “Hey…you wanna get a pizza and have sex?  What’s the matter you don’t like pizza?”

33. Which Bluth are you? – Michael.  Or maybe Maeby.  Maybe.

34. What type of sandwich are you? – A turkey sub (hold the cheese) from Piccolas.

35. What Princess bride character are you? – Princess Buttercup of course.

36. What John Hughes character are you? – A combination of Watts, Allison Reynolds, Andie Walsh and Leona.

37. What is your hidden super power? – Well if I told you it wouldn’t be hidden.  And I’d hafta kill you…

38. What is your level of awesomeness? – Meh…I’m not all that awesome. (see #15.)

Everyone Deserves a Thanksgiving Feast.

I hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving with friends and family.  I went home to visit my Mom as I do every year.  We’re lucky…we don’t cook.  We have gone to her best friend’s house for years and it makes for a pretty stress free day.  So on our way to dinner we drove past an apartment complex.  On a main road and near a busy intersection.  As we’re driving by I was amazed at what I saw.  I had her turn the car around so I could get a video on my HTC.  I have to share it here…but be warned.  It’s beautiful in a “that’s how nature works” way but it could be considered a bit graphic.  I gotta say it was exciting to be that close to this scene.  The video is short because a) We were supposed to be at dinner and b) I got a little nervous when it made eye contact…about a minute in you can tell I’m slowly backing away…


The State Fair – Deep Fried Virginia Fun.

I went to The State Fair here in Richmond this weekend.  The weather was great and I got to try deep fried oreos…

I look forward to the fair every year.  There’s always interesting local stuff and everyone likes to see giant 1000 pound pumpkins.  I usually get the same things every year.  This year I did get the candies walnuts (can’t find card with website…) and an ear of roasted corn.  Unfortunately the people from Graves Mountain had their Apple Harvest Festival and couldn’t make it to the fair so no cider this time.  Also the people who have hundreds of boxes of loose candy weren’t there either.   Lots of rides and lights…that’s what I mainly took photos of.

Pink Pig

Blue Ferris Wheel

Alien vs Spiderman

Cold Drinks

Soft Serve

Tiger TigerClowny Clown Clown


Light View

Big Top Cone

Teddy Factory

Police Diver

Elephant Ears


Swing Top

Snake Lady

Fun House

Sea of Ducks

Merry Go Round

Merry Go Round Topspin

People Go Round

Metal Birds


Muzik Express

Pigmy Mud Man

Snake and Giraffe Are Friends

