The State Fair – Deep Fried Virginia Fun.

I went to The State Fair here in Richmond this weekend.  The weather was great and I got to try deep fried oreos…

I look forward to the fair every year.  There’s always interesting local stuff and everyone likes to see giant 1000 pound pumpkins.  I usually get the same things every year.  This year I did get the candies walnuts (can’t find card with website…) and an ear of roasted corn.  Unfortunately the people from Graves Mountain had their Apple Harvest Festival and couldn’t make it to the fair so no cider this time.  Also the people who have hundreds of boxes of loose candy weren’t there either.   Lots of rides and lights…that’s what I mainly took photos of.

Pink Pig

Blue Ferris Wheel

Alien vs Spiderman

Cold Drinks

Soft Serve

Tiger TigerClowny Clown Clown


Light View

Big Top Cone

Teddy Factory

Police Diver

Elephant Ears


Swing Top

Snake Lady

Fun House

Sea of Ducks

Merry Go Round

Merry Go Round Topspin

People Go Round

Metal Birds


Muzik Express

Pigmy Mud Man

Snake and Giraffe Are Friends



What do you think?