First Friday PLF Fun With Fire.

I finally got the chance to go through the 400+ photos from the September First Friday PLF event at Gallery5 here in Richmond, VA. I think I’ve gotten a little better with low light photography (I hope) and having the zoom lens really does help with blurriness. Maybe next time I’ll bring tripod and see what I get with a steadier base…

In the meantime here’s the fire spinners to get you through your weekend. Enjoy.

And September 22, 10:49 A.M. EDT marks the beginning of Fall…Happy Mabon to All!

Cha-Ka Like Fire.

Way back in December some friends who live out in the country had a bonfire.  I was new to night photography and didn’t have a tripod but decided to try to get some shots anyway. I took almost 200 photos and manage to capture some cool images.  I kept asking the guys tending the fire to throw branches on to get the  embers to fly up – which worked pretty well I think.

So on this warm almost summer day here’s some fire.  Enjoy.